Topcon acquires Henson perimetry products


Leading perimetry screening devices added to company’s portfolio

Topcon Healthcare has acquired the Henson line of perimetry products from Elektron Eye Technology. As part of the acquisition, members of the Elektron staff will transition to Topcon. Product manufacturing will continue to operate from the UK.

Deal terms were not disclosed, but products including Henson 9000 and 7000 are within the range of products being acquired, according to the company.

The optical perimeter, Henson 9000, is used for early glaucoma detection and ongoing monitoring of established loss. Henson 7000 is an affordable, lightweight, mobile perimeter designed to screen for suprathreshold glaucoma in the central field.

“The acquisition of the Henson range of products will provide us with the opportunity to strategically develop this area of the company’s product portfolio,” said Topcon Healthcare Marketing and Product Design Global VP John Trefethen in a statement.

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