AAOpt 2023: Emerging therapies in allergic conjunctivitis


Therapies and technologies to treat allergic conjunctivitis are rapidly changing.

Mile Brujic, OD, FAAO, co-presented a rapid fire session on emerging therapies in allergic conjunctivitis with Drs. Melanie Frogozo and Anthony Mac during the 2023 American Academy of Optometry meeting in New Orleans.

Editor's note: This transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

Mile Brujic, OD, FAAO:

Hi I'm Dr. Mile Brujic, I gave a course with Dr. Melanie Frogozo and Dr. Anthony Mac, and we talked about emerging therapies in allergic eye disease.

I, personally, think a topic that we just don't typically discuss enough in eye care. And part of the reason for that is the technologies that we've had to treat allergic eye disease have been, relatively speaking, pretty consistent over the last several years. Well fast forward to 2023 and things are changing very, very fast and very, very rapidly.

You know, when we talk about the course, we went over some of the bases around the different types of allergic responses, in particular relating to allergic eye disease. We then went over some of the more common treatment options and then we went into more advanced options, as well, to using cases and clinical reports to really get to the underlying root cause of why we're selecting some medications over others when we do, including topical corticosteroids, topical antihistamine/mast-cell stabilizing agents. But also other things like technologies like [inaudible], technologies, like RASP inhibitors—all of these things are starting to become part of that treatment regimen.

So we really had a fun time sharing these experiences, both on the things that we've had an opportunity to utilize in our clinical practices, and also things that are going to be coming down the pike.

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