What drives ODs crazy during the holidays


First, we offered ODs advice on handling the holidays from their fellow ODs.

Related: Holiday dos and don’ts for ODs in 2018

So naturally we follow up with a list of holiday complaints.

We tap into seasonal frustrations by asking ODs what drives them crazy during the holidays.

See last year’s list, too.

Related: 6 things that drive ODs crazy during the holidays

See if your annoyances match those of your colleages.Mo Rafieetary, OD, FAAO
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Patient no-shows and diabetic patients’ loss of control in their diets with the explanation, “It is hard to keep up during the holiday season.” Too many holidays and special days = poor diabetic control.

Cristina Schnider, OD, FAAO
Director of global professional affairs
Johnson & Johnson Vision

Consumerism that overrides the spirit of the season, which is joy and celebrating love, and Christmas music that starts in October!

Tom Wong, OD
New York City
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Professionals who are “me-centric,” and those who are too judgmental!

Chris Wroten, OD
Hammond, LA
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

People who are ungrateful for the multitude of blessings they have, and long lines at the store!

Sherry Bass, OD, FAAO
New York City
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Traffic and long lines, and hopping ads on my phone.

Lauretta Justin, OD
Orlando, FL

The busy schedules, and the waiting to open presents.

Mark Dunbar, OD, FAAO

Shopping at a mall, and parking at a mall parking lot.

Jade Coats, OD
Rogers, AR

Patients who come in as an “emergency” during the holidays when the problem started 6 months ago.

It can be difficult to obtain eye drop samples during the holidays especially because most reps have completed their yearly requirements and are waiting for the new year to dispense samples.

Michael Cooper, OD
West Hartford, CT
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Last-minute emergencies (usually the dreaded flashes/floaters that turns into a retina consult for a macula off retinal detachment) at 5 p.m. on a holiday weekend!

When an insured patient decides to bravely ask for a discount on medical services because we should be in the holiday spirit. (FYI: We can’t because it is a violation of the insurance contracts we all sign.)

Maria Pribis, OD, FAAO
Stamford, CT

People who wait to the last minute to finish their holiday preparations and then complain about how much they have to do!

People who overdecorate their houses-in New York City we have apartments, so most of our holiday decor is on the inside.

Scott Hauswirth, OD, FAAO
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Too much emphasis on shopping, sales, and commercialism.

Alan Glazier, OD, FAAO
Rockville, MD
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

How early the advertising starts.

Barbara Fluder, OD
Merillville, IN
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Crazy traffic and inconsiderate people.

Diana Canto-Sims, OD
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Shoveling my parking lot snow.

I have been practicing, “Like water over rocks, just flow with it,” and this has helped me cope with holiday craziness.

Steve Ferucci, OD FAAO
Sepulveda, CA
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Parking at the mall, Christmas music 24/7 since before Thanksgiving, and eggnog-I just don’t get the appeal!!

Jeff Anshel, OD, FAAO
Encinitas, CA
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Christmas music, Christmas music, Christmas music.

Tracy Swartz, OD, FAAO
Madison, AL
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Sick people showing up for appointments after testing positive for an infection that day. 

People who say they have an emergency, get on the schedule, and only need glasses before 12/31/18.

“Doc, I ran out of my contacts today” (on Christmas Day).

Carl Spear, OD, FAAO
Senior vice president of eyecare

People who drive slow in the fast lane and people who lack situational awareness.

Pam Miller, OD, FAAO
Highland, CA
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Our patients and friends are of many faiths and celebrate differently or even not at all-it is rude and insensitive to say “Merry Christmas.” “Happy and/or safe holidays” is more appropriate.

The traffic is always terrible, but during the holidays many people get out on the road who rarely drive; going 50 mph on the freeway when the speed limit is 70 mph is dangerous, illegal, and only gives rise to road rage.

Marta Fabrykowski, OD, FAAO
New York City
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Champagne sabers and the potential for New Year’s Eve trauma-this happened two years in a row in our practice!

Don’t know anything about champagne sabers? Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osa_kK7msSY&feature=youtu.be

Marc Bloomenstein, OD, FAAO
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Patients who know it is the holidays and make appointments only to cancel because “it is too close to the holidays.”

When I re-gift to the person who gave it to me.

The abundance of glitter that seems to find its way on to every article of clothing I own. Glitter, glitter, glitter!

Ernie Cepero, OD
Coral Gables, FL

Inflatable lawn decorations, nasty attitudes, and last-minute eye exams on Christmas Eve.

Joe Shovlin, OD, FAAO
Scranton, PA
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

The higher than usual cancellations that occur during the holiday season.

Everyone always seems to be in such a rush-slow down and enjoy the season.

Knowing that you’re unlikely to follow through on any meaningful New Year’s resolution.

Jeffry Gerson, OD, FAAO
Shawnee, KS
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

People needing last minute appointments to spend their flex money.

Whitney Hauser, ODOptometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

The strand of lights that goes out on the tree.

My kids changing Christmas lists.

Getting back in the groove for the next year.

Michael Brown, OD, FAAO
Huntsville, AL
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Glamorous married couples in their 30s who buy each other a new Lexus for Christmas.

People who get offended and upset when I wish them “Happy holidays.”

Over-the-top, gaudy Christmas sweaters. Make Christmas Classy Again (MCCA)!

Zacharty McCarty, OD
Chattanooga, TN

All the traffic on the road, and those with lack of patience.

Jamie Hill, OD, FAAO
Charleston, SC
Optometry Times Editorial Advisory Board member

Long lines at stores with Christmas shoppers when you just need to grab some toothepaste or deodorant.

December 31st patients who waited to use their flex spending and demand to be seen. (They had 364 days before today to get it done.)

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