
J. James Thimons, OD, FAAO, ABO


Targeting dry eye in glaucoma patients

A poor ocular surface is a common condition in glaucoma patients due to the incidence of dry eye, age, and use of benzalkonium chloride (BAK). Poor compliance with glaucoma therapy can result. Use of point-of-care testing can help identify patients with a poor ocular surface and drive treatment decisions. Treatment options, including surgical, are discussed.

Derek N. Cunningham, OD, FAAO


Back to the basics: The importance of treating inflammation AND obstruction for dry eye

Derek Cunningham, OD, FAAO, gives key takeaways from his AAOpt 2022 discussion, "Back to the basics: The importance of treating inflammation AND obstruction for dry eye."

Mitch Ibach, OD, FAAO


AAOpt 2023: A renaissance of new glaucoma treatment options

As new treatment options continue to enter the glaucoma space, clinicians can provide the best care to each individual patient.

John Rumpakis, OD, MBA


A Future for Remote Monitoring Centers in Eye Disease

Enthusiasm regarding the acceleration of technology advances, including retinal monitoring centers, that can be used to help prevent disease progression for patients with eye diseases.

Scott Moscow, OD


Vision Expo East 2024: Getting your patients excited about contact lenses

Scott Moscow, OD, talks his practice's contact lens "test-driving" option and how to get patients on board with trying out new corrective eyewear.

Roya Attar, OD, MBA, FAAO


AOA 2023: Take a look into white dot syndrome

Roya Attar, OD, discussed, "White dot syndrome: More common than you think," which she will be presenting at AOA 2023 in Washington, DC.

Rod Nowakowski, OD, PhD, FAAO


Understanding genetic testing for hereditary disease

Genetic testing is becoming more successful and is expanding in scope. Understand how the process works and how to guide your patients through it. Find out what is involved and how to manage genetic testing…plus access a list of resources for you and your patient.

Will Smith, OD


9 things glaucoma patients want to know

It is not realistic for patients to be prepared to respond when they are given news of a disease or disorder. Many times, patients are caught off guard at the mention of disease and assume a blank stare. What questions are they supposed to ask? Will Smith, OD, anticipates these questions and provides staff with information to keep patients informed.

Mary O'Hara, MD


Identifying and responding to child and elder abuse

In both child and elder abuse, timely intervention can save a life. All members of the eyecare community must be aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and their responsibilities in reporting to appropriate authorities.

Howard Purcell, OD, FAAO


Meet the LEO founding board: Dr Howard Purcell

Howard Purcell, OD, FAAO, sat down with Optometry Times®' assistant managing editor Emily Kaiser to talk about her role on the founding board of Latinos en Optometry (LEO).

Nazanin Galehdari, OD


5 steps to maximize your optical profit

The key to optical success lies with the OD's involvement, according to Nazanin Galehdari, OD. She offers 5 steps to improve optical profitability.

James C. Loden, MD


5 features of successful comanagement

A comanaging MD discusses what five traits should be part of any OD-MD comanaging relationship. Setting patient expectations on both ends is the underlying framework.

Priya Patel, OD


Engineer a specialty contact lens practice

Contact lens experts detail how to help more patients see better and deliver life-altering care.

Susan Resnick, OD, FAAO, FSLS


How to identify ptosis in clinical practice

A simple addition to the comprehensive exam can make a big difference for patients

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